This very practical one-person table that is highly mobile started from the question of what kind of one-person furniture design would consumers like to buy, especially at a time when working from home is becoming the new normal due to the COVID-19 pandemic. VANIBLE is a one-person table with storage, which serves as a desk for work when you put the lid down and can be moved around the house easily, and also serves as a vanity with a mirror when you open the lid. By examining the patterns of how women use their vanity, we found out that most of them are not good for storing items and keeping beauty products organized so they lose their function as a table as well. We focused on this fact and tried to create a design that solves the problem.
코로나로 인해 자택근무가 일상화가 되어가는 현시점에 과연 어떠한 1인 가구 디자인이 소비자에게 필요할까라는 질문에서 시작하여 굉장히 실용적이며 기동성이 있는 1인 테이블 디자인입니다. 베니블 (VANIBLE)은 닫았을 때 집안에서 편하게 옮겨가며 근무를 할 수 있고, 열어서는 거울이 달린 화장대로 사용할 수 있는 수납형 1인 테이블 디자인입니다. 여성분들의 화장대/책상 사용 환경을 조사해보니 수납이 어렵고 화장품이 정리가 되지 않아 책상으로 서의 기능성 또 한 잃어버린다는 문제점을 발견하고 이에 대한 해결책을 고민하며 디자인하였습니다.
Collarboration: with CENU for DDP Design Fair 2021
Designer: Dunsol Ko
Materials: Plywood, MDF, Oak Veneer, Stainless Steel, Mirror
Completion: Oct 2021
Photo: Dunsol Ko, DDP Design Fair
Video: DDP Design Fair